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Curriculum Development Center
The Curriculum Development Center (CDC) is an important academic body of the Far Western University. This center has been formed in accordance with Article 18 of the Far Western University Act 2067 and Rule 135 of paragraph 21 of the Far Western University Organization and Educational Administration Rules, 2069. The Curriculum Development Center plays its role directly and indirectly in the formulation, modification and implementation of the curriculum of the Far Western University. In collaboration with the subject committees, CDC not only develops curricula, but also conducts seminars, orientation programs and workshops to help implement the curriculum in its true spirit. It also publishes and distributes the FWU curricula and publications of the university under FWU rules and regulations and encourages teachers to prepare textbooks and other teaching manuals and materials. In addition to the above important functions, it verifies the degrees of the other universities for equivalence and the academic certificates of FWU academic and administrative staff. CDC will provide institutional equivalence as well as carry out activities including scrutiny of educational credentials for public service purposes. The center will also publish a scholarly journal annually. In the current context of the development of information technology, the center promises to impart information of FWU academic activities to stakeholders. To fulfill this objective, the Curriculum Development Center disseminates necessary information through the center's log-in page on the university website